Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beautiful weather in the Queen City = day at the park

The weather has been so gorgeous here lately so I decided to take my oldest and my youngest to the park the other day.  Of course I had my camera in hand to take all those cute moments.  I didn't think I would be photographing wildlife.....but when I saw this goose flying over the water I figured I would snap a few shots and see what I got.  This is what I ended up with.  While not the perfect shot I was pretty pleased with what I captured seeing as how I had less than 2 seconds to prepare my camera (and keep my 2 year old from jumping in the water).  I actually did get some of my kids.....and I'll post those later!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Black and White Hollywood Glamour session ;-)

Tuesday night I met up with a group of photographer friends and we did some black and white hollywood glamour shots.......think Marilyn Monroe.  This is a completely different style of shooting than what I am use to and it was a fabulous learning experience.  Dramatic lighting is definitely fun to work with and black and white is very forgiving (anyone over 35 knows what I mean).  Below are some of my favorite images from the night.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Right before Valentines Day I had the opportunity to participate in a boudoir photo shoot.  Since the majority of my clients are age 5 and under this was a stretch from my norm and I was thrilled to have the chance to do something different.  I was a bit worried that I would feel odd photographing scantly dressed women but within minutes we were all having a great time.  Here are a few images from out shoot.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Senior shoot with my two favorite seniors

Sunday I spent the afternoon with two of my favorite seniors, my daughter and her best friend (who just happens to be living with us).  It was an unseasonably warm February day and we took advantage of it by heading out doors for part of our shoot.  Spending any amount of time with these two girls will have you smiling for hours.  They are so much fun and we spent most of the day laughing.  I'm not sure the male photographer friend that was along for the shoot had quite as much fun as we did.....but at least now he knows what it's like to have teenage girls.

Have you ever seen more gorgeous eyes!!!

My beautiful girls

My photog friend took this one.....he's a great photographer!  Even though their youth makes me look old I love having an image of all of us~

Friday, February 4, 2011

Have your cake and eat it too

I didn't think there was anyone who didn't like cake....other than me....but that's a different story!  But baby "C" was not overly excited about his cake.  We tried several times to get him interested but he just wasn't going for it......until I brought out the fork (I guess he doesn't like eating with his hand).  Not sure why this made a difference but it did.  Boy was I glad cause there are only so many pictures you can take of a boy crying over his cake ;-)  But this little guy is so cute it really wouldn't have mattered what he did.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Me......oh my!!!

This past weekend I had the most amazing opportunity to shoot lions and tigers up close and personal.  When I say personal I mean PERSONAL!!!  Almost two year old Ellie was allowed to roam freely with us.  This didn't bother me at all.....but some in the group were a bit nervous.  Ellie ran around and played with "brown dog" her best friend (see adorable images below) while we went into another fenced in area to see the BIG cats!!!  There is no way to describe their massiveness (is that a word?).  A picture simply does not do them justice.  They are beautiful, magnificent creatures and I can't wait to go back and visit them again.

This is Ellie and her best friend "brown dog"

They were all worn out from playing so hard and shared Ellie's bunny as a pillow....too cute

Sweet Ellie

Elsa, Ellie's Mom



© Teresa Ingram Photography
CoffeeShop Designs