Friday, March 18, 2011

Brains and beauty......

My gorgeous friend is not only beautiful but super smart.....and the best massage therapist I know.  So she wanted a few images for her facebook page and asked me to take them.  What photographer wouldn't want to photograph her?!?  She is eyed......what could go wrong here???  So here is a few of the images I captured.  I had a really hard time narrowing it down to the 5-7 she was asking for.  She just doesn't take a bad picture!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lazy 5 Ranch......and a new phobia!!!

Saturday seemed like a great day to take the kids to Lazy 5 Ranch.  Little did I know that this trip would be the beginning of yet another strange fear for my oldest child.  What is this fear you might ask?  Huge buffalo?  Nope!  Angry zebras? Nope!  Enormous giraffes? daughter is afraid of.......ostriches!!!  Yes, I said ostriches.  When they came near the car she retreated to the back of the suburban until they were gone.  Now I am sure she has a very legitimate reason for fearing these birds.....but we haven't figured it out yet.  Jonah, the 2 year old, happens to love ostriches and even fed.  He really had no choice as Kayla tossed the food into his lap while she was diving into the back seat.  I'm sure a good mother would have tried to comfort her child in her moment of panic.  What did I do?  What any mother of four would do.....laughed hysterically while calling the ostriches over to the car!!!  Honestly if you need some cheap therapy head to the Lazy 5'll laugh the whole time.

Jonah doesn't look worried at all about this beast

Kayla's nemesis
A technically horrible image......but this is Kayla trying to get away from the ostrich
Quite a bit of blur here......but who can say they captured an ostrich smiling for the camera!  There has to be an orthodontist out there that would want this for marketing!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not my typical job.....

Last week I was approached by a company and asked to do a product shot for them.  As most of you know this is not my typical, pregnant moms-tiny babies-cute toddlers type of job.  But I figured it would give it a go and see how I liked it.  I have to admit it was a bit odd working with something that I didn't have to entertain or tell how to stand, sit, or pose.  And when I dropped the roller nothing bad happened (small babies tend to cry if you drop them.....which for those of you wondering, I have NEVER done!).  So all in all I enjoyed doing product photography and hope to get the chance to do some more.  Here are a few shots of what I was working with.

© Teresa Ingram Photography
CoffeeShop Designs